Phytosanitary Export Certification System : Plant and Plant Product Providers
Estimated duration : 5h30
This course has been designed for stakeholders who are involved in the production or preparation of the plants from the field up to being ready for export. This includes the producers of plants or plant products such as fruits and vegetables, cut flowers and branches, grains, seeds, woods, bulbs and tubers and plants for planting, but also stakeholders in charge of processing plants and stakeholders in charge of preparing the plants and products in a packaging house.
Moreover, this module will help company middle managers to inform other staff members on plant health issues and rules related to compliance with exports. We will start with a brief overview of phytosanitary certification. We will then highlight plant pest and their control, followed by a collaboration between PPP and NPPO, Traceability and finally transmission of information.
Phytosanitary Export Certification System : Exporters and Re-exporters
Estimated duration : 5h30
This course has been designed for exporters, and stakeholders who are in charge to prepare a consignment and ensuring its expedition both from the physical and documentary point of view.
This module aims to make exporters aware of the purpose and importance of phytosanitary export certification, to remind them of their obligation toward the National Plant Protection Organisation (NPPO), especially for the preparation of the phytosanitary certificate for export or re-export, and the necessity to collaborate closely with all other stakeholders.
Phytosanitary Export Certification System : Export Inspectors
Estimated duration : 5h30
This course has been designed for NPPO inspectors, or inspectors from an entity authorized by the NPPO, involved in phytosanitary export certification. This module aims to make the inspectors aware of the purpose and importance of phytosanitary export certification, and to explain to them the measures to be taken to prepare and issue a phytosanitary export or re-export certificate, to keep records and address non-compliances.
Phytosanitary Export Certification System : Export Supervisors
Estimated duration : 5h30
This course is the most advanced of the 4 modules. It has been designed for NPPO Officers in charge of supervising part of the whole phytosanitary export certification system of a country, but also to inform and train their national team of plant health inspectors. This module aims to explain to the supervising Officers the measures to be applied for organising and managing the phytosanitary export certification system from the field to the issuance of the phytosanitary certificate, how to review the system based on notifications of non-compliance, and how to cooperate with the other NPPOs and international institutions like the IPPC.